Step intoĀ the role of aĀ Profit-Conscious CEO and confirm theĀ intuitive business decisions you're already making with these free guides.

I'm ready to become a profit-conscious CEO!

FreeĀ DIY Bookkeeping Guide

Learn theĀ financial tasks every online expert should be performing.

In this 6-page guide I'll show you:

šŸ„‚ TheĀ bookkeeping tasks you should do & when

šŸ„‚Ā Our recommended back office tech stack to help you run your online business like a CEO

šŸ„‚Ā Business Expense Cheat Sheet - what is deductible for your online biz

šŸ„‚ The Key Financial Reports to look at and what they mean

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Free KPI Guide

Learn the top 4 KPIs every online expert should be tracking.

In this 1-page guide I'll show you:

šŸ„‚ The 4 Key Performance Indicators to track each month

šŸ„‚ How to calculate them

šŸ„‚ And what they mean for you

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